TIPS]Membangun sikap Mental Pantang Menyerah

1. Kalau Anda mempunyai kecendrungan mudah menyerah, maka langkah pertama pertama yg paling penting adalah mengakui kelemahannya itu. Dengan menyadarinya , Anda akan lebih siap untuk memperbaikinya.

2. motivasikanlah diri Anda untuk mengembangkan sikap pantang menyerah. Sikap ini diperlukan untuk meraih keberhasilan dalam hidup. Perhatikanlah artis, atlit,karyawan dapat menajak karirnya karena berprestasi, mereka umumnya memperjuangkan apa yg ingin diraihnya dengan daya dan upaya yg optimal. Sebaliknya , orang2 yg mudah menyerah , frustasi dan mudah putus asa adalah orang2 yg gagal.

3. Berpikirlah bahwa Anda bisa dan akan berhasil meraih apa yg Anda inginkan. Keyakinan ini akan membuat Anda lebih efektif dibandingkan bila Anda terlalu mengantisipasi kemungkinan buruk. Menurut para ahli , orang yg optimis mempunyai kemungkinan yg lebih besar untuk berhasil dibanding orang yg pesimis. Mengapa ? Karena keyakinan yg positif akan mempengaruhi mental dan fisik secar signifikan untuk mendapatkan apa yg di yakininya.

4. Arahkan mata Anda pada tujuan , bukan pada hambatan . Bila Anda memandang pada tujuan , maka hambatan tidak akan menakutkan. Tapi sebaliknya , bila Anda terfokus pada hambatan , Anda akan mudah kehabisan daya juang.

5. Beranilah mengambil risiko namun dengan perhitungan yg mantap , Hadapi dan alamilah pengalaman dan petualangan baru. Keberanian yg benar bukan berarti seperti orang yg terjun bebas ke jurang, tapi seperti orang yg menuruninya setahap demi setahap dengan persiapan yg matang.Kalau Anda tidak berani mengambil resiko , tentu saja Anda berada pada tempat yg aman , namun Anda tidak akan berkembang.

6. Hadapilah semua tantangan dengan penuh keberanian .Anggaplah tantangan sebagai "Sparring Pathner" yg akan membuat Anda semakin kuat , bukan sebagai raksasa yg menelan Anda. Semakin banyak tantangan , semakin berani menghadapinya, maka semakin terbentuk karakter yg kuat.

7. Jangan terlalu cepat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa Anda tidak akan berhasil bila pada usaha Anda mengalami kegagalan. Belajarlah daridari kegagal itu agar didapat gambaran yg lebih baik lagi.

8. Teruslah berusaha, terkamlah segala kesempatan yg ada , karena kesempatan itu tak datang untuk kedua kalinya !, tidak ada pendobrak kegagalan yg sekuat nilai "kegigihan" . Ingatlah filsofi air yg bisa melubangi batu dengan tetesan yg terus terus-menerus.

9. Imbangi kegigihan Anda dengan pemikiran yg kreatif. Bila perjalanan Anda terhalang oleh batu cadas , Anda tidak perlu membenturkan kepala Anda untuk membuktikan bahwa Anda pantang Menyerah. Berhentilah sejenak dan pikirkanlah bagaiman cara mengatasinya. carilah jalur alternatif !

10. Jangan terpengaruh oleh kegagalan orang lain, tapi biarlah keberhasilan orang lain memotivasi kita. Belajarlah dari kegagalan dan kesalahan orang lain tanpa hrus mengalaminya sendiri. Dengan cara itru Anda menghemat banyak sekali waktu dan energi Anda yg sangat berharga.


From Khalid ibn al-Walid RA said, "has come an arab village (Bedouin) to the Prophet Muhammad. SAW to the king he delivered his goal, "O Messenger of Allah, this is actually coming to ask you about what's going to improve myself in the world and the hereafter?". So the king SAW replied "Ask what you want".

Here are some questions Bedouin-Arab people to the Prophet Muhammad ...

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be a pious

Prophet Muhammad: Fear of God Almighty, then you will be the pious

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be the richest man

Rasulullah SAW: Be confident in yourself, then you will be the richest man

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be a fair

Prophet Muhammad: Have mercy on other human beings, as you pity yourself. So-Be as fair as fair man.

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be someone special in the sight of Allah

Rasulullah SAW; Banyakkan Dzikrullah, then you will be a special person in the sight of Allah

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to improved my faith

Prophet Muhammad: Pereloklah akhlakmu, your faith will necessarily perfect

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to include in the class of people muhsinin (good)

Prophet Muhammad: serve God as if you see it or you believe he still saw you. So in this way, you will belong muhsinin

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to include in their class-abiding

Prophet Muhammad: exert any liability difardhukan, then you will be included in their classes devoted

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to meet God in a clean state of sin

Prophet Muhammad: Remove yourself from the filth of sin, surely you will meet God in a state of purity from sin

Bedouin-Arab people: I want collected on the Day of Resurrection in the light

Prophet Muhammad: Do not mendzalimi someone, then you will collected on the Day of Resurrection in the light

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be loved of God on the Day of Resurrection

Prophet Muhammad: Kaasihanilah yourself and others, then God will pity on the Day of Resurrection

People Saudi Arabia: I want to be abolished all my sins

Prophet Muhammad: Banyakkan beristigfar, shall be abolished (reduced) of all your sins

Bedouin-Arab people; I want to be noble, noble human

Prophet Muhammad: Do not make trouble for others, you shall be so noble, noble human

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be a handsome man-segagah

Prophet Muhammad: Always give yourself (trust) in Allah, you will be fine segagah-human

Bedouin-Arab people: I want dimurahkan provision by God

Prophet Muhammad: Always clean in a state of ritual impurity, Allah will cheapen provision you

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to include in their classes who are loved by God and the Apostles

Prophet Muhammad: Love all that is loved by God and the Apostles, "If your loved one in their class

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to be saved from the wrath of God on the Day of Resurrection

Prophet Muhammad: Do not be angry with someone else, you shall be saved from the wrath of God on the Day of Resurrection

Bedouin-Arab people: I will accept any plea

Prophet Muhammad: Fear the forbidden food, surely all permohonanmu will deterimaNya

Bedouin-Arab people: I want to cover aibku God on the Day of Resurrection

Prophet Muhammad: Close the ugliness of others, Allah will close your shame on the Day of Resurrection

Arabs: Who saved from sin?

Rasulullah SAW: People who constantly flowing tears of regret, those who submit to His will

Bedouin-Arab people: Do as big as God's good side?

Prophet Muhammad: Improve character, humble and patient with the test (bala)

Bedouin-Arab people: Do as big evil side of God?

Prophet Muhammad: Bad manners and some obedience

Arabs: What is the ease the wrath of God in the world and the hereafter?

Prophet Muhammad: Alms in a hidden (not known by others) and connect the friendship

Arabs: What is put out the fires of hell on the Day of Resurrection?

Prophet Muhammad: Patience in the world with the exam (bala) and disaster

From several conversations above, hopefully we can take our lesson and a reminder to make the media closer to Him. And also as a media motivation when our faith is at a critical point or is down. So that we truly become a man who "Isy kariimaan absolute au-syahiiidaan", alive or dead Excellency Shahid.


Learning suddenly before the test was not effective. At least not a month before the test is an ideal time for repeating the lesson. The material does not matter much. There are ten ways to be smart when we learn to be effective.

1. Learning is understood not merely memorize
Yes, the main function of why we must learn is to understand new things. We can 100% memorized every detail of the lesson, but more important is whether we have understood well by all the material that dihapal. So before you memorize, always try to understand the first outline of lesson material.

2. Reading is the key to learning
So that we can understand, read new material at least twice a day, ie before and after the material is explained by the teacher. Because the brain has to process these materials three times can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brain.

3. Points recorded lessons
Leave a note long lesson. Take the gist or conclusion of each lesson that has been read over. Key words this is what will be useful when we repeat the lesson for the exam.

4. Hapalkan keywords
Sometimes, like it or not we have to memorize the subject matter quite a lot. This fact can disiasati. Make the key words from each hapalan, so easy to remember at the time of our brains called. For example, the keyword for the names of the colors of the rainbow is MEJIKUHIBINIU, meaning red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

5. Select the appropriate study time
When studying the most convenient is the saaat our bodies are still fresh. Not all people have the time to learn the same bad lo. But usually, the morning is the time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. The remains of energy can be used to repeat the lessons and do homework.

6. Build a comfortable learning atmosphere
Many things can make a comfortable learning atmosphere. We can choose songs that match our mood. Place we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the room could be on the terrace or in the library. The key should not interfere with our learning activities and disturbed by others.

7. Forms of Study Groups
Then again bored taught myself, can learn together with friends. Not have a lot because it would not be effective, a maximum of five people. Create materials to study the distribution of each person. Then each person in turn explains the material under their control to all other members. Such learning atmosphere is usually fun and we are guaranteed gonna be hard to sleep.

8. Train our own capabilities
Actually, we can train our own brainpower. At the end of each chapter lesson, usually always given practice questions. Without waiting for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all these questions and check the extent of our ability. If the material is not the answer in the book, try to ask the teacher.

9. Develop materials that have been studied
If we have repeated the material and answer all the questions the exercise, do not immediately close the book. Try our critical thinking scholar style. Make a few questions that have not been included in the exercises. Ask the teacher to answer. If not satisfied, find the answer to the other reference books or the Internet. In this way invites us to always think ahead and critical.

10. Take time to rest
Can learn fast, but do not forget to rest. When in class, each class breaks used to relax the body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we always selingi with rest. If the mind is too late, it's no good push. After the break, a fresh body and brain ready to accept new material.

One again, the purpose of tests and examinations is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the subject matter in school. In addition to answering the questions of practice, there are other ways to test whether we have understood the material or not. Let us explain with words alone any material already learned. If we can explain clearly and regularly - no need to detail - means we've got it.


If last year's love story was bland because you left idol the heart, then the Tigers in this metal is right time to re-find true love.

Jo Hemmings, behavioral psychologist says, "After the relationship is more than one and a half years, they usually dropped the decision to stay together and spend the rest of their lives with a partner." "With the New Year, the psychology has given reflection. January is the time most convenient and popular to re-arrange the heart and start a new story."

For you who want to get a new boyfriend in this year, Jo jitunya tipping, among others:

If you are single, then it is time for you decide to do something new. Think about the internet, or buying new clothes interesting, quick date, do it!

This is an opportunity to clean the clothing collection in a drawer and threw it into the trash, including bras, and slacks. Then, go to a clothing store for fun activities, investing for something sexy!

Back to life a new spirit in the bedroom, even if only from the things that a little.

Remind yourself that dating is about having fun. If you are stuck in the question "Is this worthwhile?", Then you need to remove it, then remember that the love story makes life feel more complete.

If you are interested in activities outside of work or looking for a partner, it can make you look more attractive.

Decide to be firm but fair, treating people courteously, but still indicated a clear message that you are not fit to let the heart soar up to heaven. Better stuck at the second or third date because you do not want to disappoint them.

Next time, if your partner says "What?", You have to learn to speak your mind in accordance with a firm but wise. In addition, other important thing is that you need to further improve communication skills.

Resolve to improve your flirting skills have. Tempting to look bad, but if done properly, it can make others feel great!

Open-minded about your prospective partner. Do not be too picky with the order of the long list of partner choice, or too much choice. Limiting yourself to the options that "should be rich" and let the rest is naturally isolated. Both will make your efforts seem futile.

I hope you find true love ....


BY saying grace the presence of GOD ALMIGHTY.